Download and Install GUI#

To download the Desktop/GUI version of HyPhy, follow instructions on this download page.

NOTE: The HyPhy GUI is no longer maintained and will be replaced in the near future with a JavaScript front-end. For those interested in a GUI experience, we recommend using HyPhy either via Datamonkey (for newer methods see the development version of Datamonkey) or from the command line on your local computer/server.

Alternatively, you may download an installer for the final prebuilt release of HyPhy (version 2.2.4) for your specific operating system using the appropriate link:

Download and Install from source#

HyPhy depends on CMake version 3 or later for its build system. Before installing HyPhy, please make sure that an appropriate version of CMake has been installed. Some HyPhy configurations also depends on other development libraries like libcurl and libpthread. Libcurl requires development libraries such as crypto++ and openssl (or gnutls depending on your configuration). On Ubuntu these are libcurl-dev, libcrypto++-dev and libssl-dev.

You can obtain HyPhy source in two ways:

  • Download a specific HyPhy release (we recommend the latest release) from the HyPhy github repository.
  • Download the master branch of HyPhy by cloning the repository by entering this command into a terminal session:
git clone

Once you have downloaded HyPhy, follow these installation instructions.

Development version#

Caution: For advanced users only.

The most recent (not necessarily stable, but containing the latest features) versions of HyPhy can be obtained by checking out the v2.3-dev branch, by entering this command into a terminal session before proceeding with the install process

    git checkout v2.3-dev